Day 2 Official Selection of the 74th International Venice Film Festival, press activities at the Venice Movie Stars Lounge


Day 2 Official Selection of the 74th International Venice Film Festival, press activities at the Venice Movie Stars Lounge


On August 31st, the Venice Movie Stars Lounge hosted the director Andrew Haigh with his cast of Lean On Pete composed by Chloë Sevigny and the young actor Charlie Plummer who also enjoyed the lunch at the villa while answering the many questions of the journalist. Lean On Pete tells the adventures of the young Charley Thompson, who was abandoned by his mother when he was a baby. The story narrates about Charlie and his racehorse during their journey in search of his aunt and a new house. Among the others who took part to the interviews there were the director Paul Schrader, the actress and producer Victoria Hill and the actors Ethan Hawke – interpreting a former military hatmaker devastated by his son’s death – and Amanda Seyfried, a lady in his same church group when her husband committed suicide.

Immagicgroup, marketing leader in providing spaces for press activities at the Festivals of Cannes and Berlin, during the 74. International film festival of Venice is running the Venice Movie Stars Lounge in Lungomare Gabriele D’Annunzio, 14.

Official Sponsors of the project are Lamborghini, Palazzina G, Area Stile, Diamond Ice Noble Vodka, Sant’Anna, Safilo, Giaquinto, Corradi, along with the technical partners Forno d’Asolo, Bevande Futuriste, Consorzio Tutela Piave DOP, Hausbrandt, Prosecco Vigna Belvedere, Barbero Davide, Smania, Sixtema, Ethimo, Ideal Lux, Movidos, Banca Fideuram, Round Studio, H&A associati srl


Day 2 Official Selection of the 74th International Venice Film Festival, press activities at the Venice Movie Stars Lounge

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