Jaeger-LeCoultre celebrates the 85th anniversary of the Reverso watch in Venice


73rd International Venice Film Festival
(August 31st – September 10th, 2016)

Jaeger-LeCoultre celebrates the 85th anniversary
of the Reverso watch in Venice

For over a decade, Jaeger-LeCoultre has demonstrated its commitment to encouraging and promoting all aspects of the filmmaking art.
The Maison feels uniquely positioned to continue its work alongside the artists who make film: both are passionate about capturing the fleeting moments.

On September 6th, Jaeger-LeCoultre hosted a gala dinner to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Reverso watch at the Venetian Arsenal.
Jaeger-LeCoultre CEO Daniel Riedo greeted over 200 guests including friends of the Maison: Carmen Chaplin, Zhao Wei, Cristiana Capotondi, Daniel Brühl, Jorge Viladoms, Eva Riccobono, jury panel members Chiara Mastroianni, Gemma Arterton, Nelly Karim, Pilar Lopez de Ayala as well as the godmother of the film festival Sonia Bergamasco and Christian Louboutin as an honor guest.


Picture 1: Jury panel member Gemma Arterton, Jaeger-LeCoultre CEO Daniel Riedo and jury panel member Chiara Mastroianni attending Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice – credit Getty Images. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre
Picture 2: Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Reverso watch – credit Getty Images. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre
Picture 3 (from left to right): Daniel Brühl, Felicitas Rombold, Cristiana Capotondi, Sonia Bergamasco, Eva Riccobono, Carmen Chaplin, Christian Louboutin, Zhao Wei and Jorge Viladoms attending Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice – credit Getty Images. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre

Referring to the iconic Reverso watch created in 1931, the setting of the event was inspired by the Art-Deco style, with a cabaret atmosphere.
A performance was staged to remind the festive ambiance of this period and the artist and friend of the Brand Jorge Viladoms performed piano pieces, to the great delight of guests.

Picture 1: Carmen Chaplin attending Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice – credit Getty Images. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre
Picture 2: Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice celebrating the 85th anniversary of the Reverso watch – Ph. S. Pessina. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre
Picture 3 (from left to right): Zhao Wei attending Jaeger-LeCoultre gala dinner in Venice – credit Getty Images. Courtesy of Jaeger-LeCoultre

In the pleasant atmosphere of this sumptuous location, the guests discovered the collection of Reverso watches: One, Classic and Tribute models, alongside the Reverso creations by Christian Louboutin, part of the Atelier Reverso launched this year.
During the evening, Jaeger-LeCoultre also unveiled exclusive Couture straps created by Christian Louboutin to adorn the Reverso One High Jewellery watch.

Picture: Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso One High Jewellery watch adorned with Couture strap by Christian Louboutin



Jaeger-LeCoultre’s affinity with the 7th Art is all about two worlds infused with the same creative effervescence, inspired from a longstanding tradition and the absolute quest of excellence.
Jaeger-LeCoultre gives a particular support to those who daily contribute to create and bring life to the art of filmmaking, and attaches great importance to the preservation of its heritage.

Official partner of the Venice International Film Festival for over a decade, Jaeger-LeCoultre confers each year the Glory to the Filmmaker Award to a filmmaker chosen by the director of the festival.
Since April 2013, as part of the actions of the «Film Society of Lincoln Center» in New York, Jaeger-LeCoultre has launched the Filmmaker in Residence Program,
an initiative which supports a filmmaker in the realization of his future projects.
On the occasion of the Shanghai International Film Festival, Jaeger-LeCoultre works to protect the Chinese cinematographic heritage by funding the restoration of old movies.

Also sponsor of the film festival of San Sebastian, Jaeger-LeCoultre is committed to supporting the cinema in all its diversity by standing behind the camera, alongside the artists.

Jaeger-LeCoultre celebrates the 85th anniversary of the Reverso watch in Venice

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