Start of the 69th edition of the Festival del film Locarno

The 69th edition of the Festival del film Locarno
Throughout its 69 year history, the Festival del film Locarno has occupied a unique position in the landscape of the major film festivals. Every August, for eleven days the Swiss-Italian town of Locarno, right in the heart of Europe, becomes the world capital of auteur cinema. Thousands of film fans and industry professionals meet here every summer to share their thirst for new discoveries and a passion for cinema in all its diversity.

In Locarno they find a quality program, rich, eclectic, surprising, and where emerging talent rubs shoulders with prestigious guests. The audience is the soul of the Festival, as exemplified in the famous evenings on the Piazza Grande, whose magical setting can accommodate up to 8,000 filmgoers every night.

Piazza Grande: 16 features screened on the Piazza Grande, the open-air cinema that can host up to 8,000 viewers every night.

Concorso internazionale: 17 feature films, all of them as world premieres, competing for the Pardo d’oro.

Concorso Cineasti del presente: the competition dedicated to new discoveries, consists of 15 first or second films, 13 of them as world premieres.

The 69th edition of the Festival del film Locarno takes place 3 – 13 August, 2016.

Start of the 69th edition of the Festival del film Locarno

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