The Cannes Movie Stars


Cannes Official Selection “Seduced and Abbandoned” and “Revolution» Press Activites in The Cannes Movie Stars Lounge

For the 66th annual Cannes Film Festival, the Cannes Movie Stars Lounge has been installed in the Californie Suite of the Carlton Hotel. The Cannes Movie Stars Lounge stems from the success of past and ongoing projects both in Cannes and Venice, Italy
Today, 22nd of May, the Cannes Movie Stars lounge has had the pleasure to host two different press activities. The first one was with two big movie stars: the director James Toback and the actor Alec Baldwin, who attended at the festival with «Seduced and Abbandoned», showing the hide side of the sparkling world of the most known tapis rouge in the world.
It is a direct reportage of the efforts to get fund, having an idea for a movie, and the different aspects of the film Industries that changes every minute.
Among the interviews in the documentary, Scorsese, Coppola, Bertolucci, Ryan Gosling, James Caan, Jessica Chastain and Roman Polanski.
At the same time, the lounge staff welcomed “Revolution”, directed by the young, award-winning Rob Stewart.

It is a true-life documentary, showing the director himself adventure over four years and 15 countries, between climate changes, environmental degradation, species loss, ocean acidification, pollution, and food/water. A film about changing the world, and fighting to preserve the world where to live in.

Project partners include: The Riva Cannes Boat Service, offering refined Personal Yacht and Concierge affairs; Martini Mobili, which has set up the entire lounge; Montbel, a designer furniture collection; San Benedetto, providing soft drinks; Immagicgroup, promoter and organizer of the lounge. As well as media partners, Getty Images and weekly Italian magazine Diva e Donna. 

The Cannes Movie Stars

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