The Festival stands up…

1819710048The 71st Festival de Cannes will take place from Tuesday, 8th May to Saturday, 19th May 2018.

Festival de Cannes
The Festival stands up…
Harassment – Violence – Abuse

A dedicated telephone hotline:

+33 (0)4 92 99 80 09

Because the time has come to speak out, and because there must be zero tolerance with sexual harassment or abuse of any kind, the Festival de Cannes, in partnership with the French Ministry of Gender Equality, has decided to take a firm approach to preventing sexual harassment, and to stand shoulder to shoulder with victims.

To do this, a special telephone hotline has been set up, on +33 (0)4 92 99 80 09, and will be available from the opening day, Tuesday 8 May. The initiative is designed to help people who have experienced sexual harassment or physical or emotional abuse, by offering appropriate support.

By calling this number, victims can share their experience with Festival teams, who will listen, offer support and, if desired, provide guidance and assistance for any important next steps (going to the police station or the hospital). The caller can also be put in touch with a victim support charity.

The Festival de Cannes provides this telephone service from today until 19 May 2018, from 9am to 2am.

Festival-goers can also send an email to the following address, set up to receive accounts of harassment and abuse: Cannesalerte

Harassment-Violence-Abuse hotline
+33 (0)4 92 99 80 09

Harassment-Violence-Abuse email

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The Festival stands up…

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