Venice Movie Stars Lounge: Day 1 Official Selection of the 73

Day 1 Official Selection of the 73


International Venice Film Festival, press activities at the Venice Movie Stars Lounge

Emma Stone and Damiene Chazelle, respectively the actress and the director of “La La land”, the opening film of the 73. International Film Festival, have been the first guests in our Lounge. Arrived on board of 2 Jaguar F-peace, the talent reached the indoor and outdoor spaces of the former greenhouses of C.I.G.A. hotels. There, the journalists, carrying out television and print interviews, got the plot of the film.

Mia and Sebastian court themselves in a musical with a fifties flavor; a jazz player on one hand, a runner for the Hollywood stars on the other one, risk to separate when success knocks at their door.

Immagicgroup, marketing leader in providing spaces for press activities at festivals in Cannes and Berlin, is now running, during the 73. International Film Festival of Venice, the Venice Movie Stars Lounge situated in Gabriele D’Annunzio, 14.

Our sponsors are, together with Area Stile and kBrand, Jaguar, Franciacorta Vodka, Moody, Malverdi, Bevilacqua Pizzinato, Montbel, Segafredo Zanetti, Otus e Diffitalia.

Venice Movie Stars Lounge: Day 1 Official Selection of the 73

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